Arabica vs Robusta Coffee Beans

What is the difference between robusta and arabica coffee

When buying coffee beans you may wonder whether you should choose arabica or robusta, or yet something else. Here we compare for you arabica vs robusta coffee beans and what cup you get from each of them. 

The difference between arabica and robusta coffee beans

Green beans

There is a difference in shape and colour of the green beans. This is how you can tell which is which:

Arabica beans are flatter, more oval (longer), slightly greener and have a deeper groove. They are also softer and sweeter.
Robusta beans are smaller with a more circular shape and have a shell-like layer. The green robusta also has some mouldy notes. 

Roasted beans

Arabica is more aromatic and has more nutty flavours.
Robusta loses its mouldy notes in the roasting, but has a less defined aroma and less flavours. 

Brewed coffee

What coffee cup do you get from arabica and what do you get from robusta?

Brewed arabica is smoother, more sour and sweeter. It often has fruity, chocolaty and nutty notes.
Robusta coffee has more bitterness and stronger taste, as it is indeed stronger. It has more earthy and rubbery notes, which may be unpleasant. It also has less acidity and less sweetness. 

Which has more caffeine robusta or arabica?

Robusta has almost twice more caffeine than arabica. The amounts of caffeine in each of them are:

  • robusta 2.5% 
  • arabica 1.5% caffeine. 

If you need something just for the hit, robusta may be your thing!

The amount of chlorogenic acid

Another difference between these two types of coffee is in the amount of the chlorogenic acid (CGA). The CGA content differences are:

  • Robusta 7 – 10%
  • Arabica: 5.5 – 8%

What is chlorogenic acid? It is an antioxidant which also acts as bug repellent (which makes robusta plants more resilient). 

Which coffee is better arabica or robusta?

Arabica is better in taste and it’s considered higher quality. However, there are exceptions, you may find high end robusta in specialty coffees. 

What are robusta and arabica used for?

Robusta is usually used for instant coffee production. You can also find it in espresso blends, especially Italian style coffee, as it produces more crema

Which coffee is more popular?

Arabica is more popular than robusta. It is the most popular coffee in the world and accounts for around 60% of global coffee sales. Robusta is the second most popular coffee with almost 40% of global production share. Other types of coffee are produced in relatively small amounts. 

Which is more expensive: robusta or arabica?

Arabica coffee is more expensive. Robusta is usually about half the price of arabica on the commodities market. 

Why is arabica cheaper than robusta?

Robusta is cheaper because it’s easier to grow as well as it’s considered lower quality. Arabica is more expensive because it’s a more sensitive plant, more prone to moulds and insects, which makes it more difficult to grow. 

Arabica and robusta coffee plants compared

Arabica coffee plants

The plant height ranges between 2.5 and 4.5 meters. Arabica comes from Ethipia, it was already known there a few thousand years ago and consumed as an energizer. It became popular in other parts of the world thanks to the arabs, who started cultivating it in the Arabian Penninsula. 


There are over 60 various types of arabica, suitable for different growing conditions. Generally speaking it’s a rather demanding plant, growing over 700 meters over the sea level, requiring humidity, rain, warm temperatures, prone to insects and pests. 

Robusta coffee plants

Robusta coffee plants are 4.5 – 6 meters tall, are strong, ‘robust’, more resistant to insects and easy to grow. Because they are easy to grow, robusta coffee is cheaper than arabica. 


come from Congo, where they were discovered on 1897 and since then spread around the world. 


What are your observations about differences between arabica and robusta beans? Share in the comments. 

Arabica coffee beans

Gavina Old Havana Espresso, Whole Bean, 100% Arabica Coffee

Chameleon Organic Whole Bean Coffee, Medium Roast Guatemala, 100% Arabica

Robusta coffee 

Robusta Coffee – Delta Ground Roasted Coffee from ANGOLA

Whole Coffee Bean Italian Espresso Medium Dark Roast – FORTE by Filicori Zecchini. Arabica and Robusta Blend.

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