How to Use French Press Coffee Maker

How to brew coffee at home with French Press coffee maker


What is French press?

French press, also called caffettiera, cafetiere, coffee plunger or coffee press is a manual, direct immersion coffee brewing technique. You don’t need any previous coffee making experience to use this method and it’s a great way to start for beginners. 

What type of coffee do you get from a French press?

Using a French press coffee maker you can get a heavy-body, very strong and aromatic coffee. Preparing coffee with a French press is an inexpensive and easy way to make a delightful cup of coffee at home.

The French press technique – an easy home brewing method

Everybody has a certain way of using the French press. There are three factors which matter when brewing coffee with the caffettiera:

  • The coarseness of the grind
  • The ratio of coffee to water
  • Whether you stir it on not

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make fresh coffee at home with French press

A quick guide to brew a tasty cup of coffee using a French press
  1. Grind your coffee beans
    To get the most aromatic coffee use freshly roasted and freshly ground coffee. Grind your beans coarse (breadcrumbs size), just before brewing.


  2. Warm up the coffee press jar with hot water
    Empty the jar after that.


  3. Place the coffee grinds in the French press
    Use 60 g of coffee per 100 ml water.
    Alternative: if you prefer stronger coffee, you can use 70 – 80 g of coffee per 100 ml. Here, like with most things about coffee, do what you like, there is no right or wrong.


  4. Brewing
    Pour over hot, but not boiling water, just enough to soak all the coffee grounds. Make sure all grounds are soaked. Then let the coffee steep for 4 minutes.
    Water temperature: 90 – 96 ℃.
    Alternative: if you want to make even more aromatic coffee, use a bit cooler water, about 84 – 86 ℃.

    Tip 1: if you can, for the best results use filtered water with low mineral levels. 

    Tip 2: if your coffee tastes bitter, try using slihtly cooler water

  5. Fill up the French press with more hot water
    Try to push all the floating bits down with the pouring water.
    Wait for another 4 – 5 minutes. The longer you brew, the more aromatic coffee you will get.
    Alternative: before adding more water, stir the coffee, then scoop the floating bits and the foam with a spoon to get a clean cup of coffee.


  6. Cover the jar with the plunger
    Don’t (YES, DON’T!) push the plunger down. Just place it on top to use as a filter. This way you won’t agitate all the bits that had already settled on the bottom and you will get a cleaner cup.
Did you know?

A French press was patented in 1929 by an Italian designer Attilio Calimani. 

Find you perfect plunger online

French Press Coffee Makers on Amazon

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